Whistleblowing Channel
OPTIMUS SERVICES IBERIA, S.L., sociedad del GRUPO AMPER, está comprometida con el cumplimiento de la legalidad y la prevención de infracciones en el desarrollo de las actividades de sus sociedades y promueve una cultura de «tolerancia cero» hacia la corrupción y el fraude, generando un entorno de transparencia y fomentando el respeto de la legalidad y las normas de conducta establecidas en su Código Ético. Para este fin, el GRUPO AMPER ha dispuesto el Whistleblowing Channel as a means through which conduct occurring in the course of the group's business that may be contrary to the law or its internal regulations may be reported anonymously and confidentially.
The Whistleblower Channel is designed and managed in strict compliance with the legal requirements of availability, confidentiality of the identity of the informant and third parties involved, as well as of the investigations that may be conducted, effectiveness and investigation procedure, developed through the relevant policy and procedures, and protection of the informant.
The AMPER GROUP's Whistleblower Channel is open to all employees, trainees, job applicants, employees whose employment relationship has ended, suppliers, customers, shareholders and any person working under the supervision and direction of a contractor or subcontractor of any AMPER GROUP company.
The AMPER GROUP's Whistleblower Channel is intended to serve as a means of communicating any situation or indication that implies the commission of a legal infringement, a breach of current legislation, a transgression of the principles of the Code of Ethics or a serious breach of internal regulations.
The AMPER GROUP offers interested parties the possibility of reporting possible irregularities by clicking on the link in the box below. REPORT. Once the communication has been made, you will be assigned a reference number and a tracking code so that you can check the status of your complaint and provide additional information.
The AMPER GROUP's Whistleblower Channel will always safeguard the rights of whistleblowers: